EN | ES | IT | PT | SK


SUPPORTING INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS OF STUDENTS in HE by providing a training curricula around solo-entrepreneurship, enabling students to discover new self-employment pathways and improve their opportunities for upskilling and reskilling of (solo)entrepreneurial skills. The adequacy and pertinence of the training curricula will be determined by the mapping and identification of most sought-after and relevant competences for aspiring solo-entrepreneurs and self-employment, carried out by a consortium that combines HE institutions with companies, to consider a broad viewpoint.

A mapping and identification of most sought-after and relevant competences for aspiring solo-entrepreneurs and self-employment will be based on a common methodology, resulting in national and transnational reports, executive summary in 5 languages and competence matrix highlighting the skills, knowledge and attitudes desired for solopreneurship in HE.

Besides the mapping, stock taking of the specific training areas of interest – and related learning outcomes – should be addresses to foster and ignite sense of initiative and entrepreneurial attitudes among HE students.

The analysis carried out by partners will allow participating organisation to understanding in greater details:

- what the education and training proposal should focus on

- which specific topics for entrepreneurship education should be tackled

- which training and education challenges exists to solo-entrepreneurship education at HE level, and which countermeasures apply