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Universidad de Málaga

The University of Malaga (UMA) is one of the main institutions of higher education in Spain: it is the first of the Spanish universities involved with the SDGs and the number 40 in the world, according to the Impact ranking of Times Higher Education. Since its founding in 1972, UMA has expanded its prestige and international presence and today has more than 35,000 students, 58 Bachelor's degrees, 53 Master's degrees and 22 doctoral programs, as well as more than 200 degrees of its own. Its activity is carried out in 2 campuses with almost 2 million m2, in which they teach and research more than 2500 teachers in 23 faculties and schools and in 278 research groups. As a result, more than 200 doctoral theses/year are made, there are 262 active patents (2019), 250 active research projects and more than 1,800 contacts with companies. The UMA has signed bilateral agreements with more than 1000 higher education institutions around the world that support mobility to more than 1500 incoming and 1100 outgoing students each year, as well as 200 exchanges of incoming and outgoing researchers per year. The UMA is committed to research and educational innovation by boosting the quality of its teachers and research groups through its participation in international research projects with the support and sponsorship of local Technology Park (PTA) companies. The University has a professional guidance center dedicated to promoting the employability of students and young researchers offering a wide portfolio of academic and professional advisory services, internships in companies, scholarships, etc. UMA is also part of the campus of excellence "Andalucía Tech".

IDP European Consultants

IDP, with branch offices in Italy and in Brussels, was established in 1996 by partners working since 1991 in Brussels in the frame of EU policies and EU funding programmes. It relies on more than 20 year experience in the development, submission and management of successful EU projects. Since 1999, IDP develops and carries out also specialised training courses for VET and Adult learners focused exclusively on EU related issues (EU Institutions, policies, programmes, project management etc), delivering an average of +1000 hrs/year of training to +550 adult attendees/year. IDP organises also study visits in Brussels to the EU Institutions or the participation of groups of AL to major EU events (such as the Open Days of DG Regio); moreover, it takes part in all EU events held in Brussels (Info days, conferences, meetings etc) and has regulars contacts with officers and representatives of Brussels-based Institutions, practitioners, associations and projects. As a training service provider, IDP organises, manages and delivers high quality specialised training for Local and other public authorities, focusing on the various aspects of project management, planning, financial management, implementation, fund-raising, etc In addition to serving the public and third sector, IDP offers services to institutional clients from both national and regional governments. Moreover, IDP is currently a contractor of the EU Institutions/Agencies having been awarded in 2010 two contracts on the basis of competitive bidding.

IHF Europe

IHF, Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl, is a non profit organisation established in Brussels (Belgium) in 2003. The principal aim of IHF is to provide the community (including non profit and local authorities) with assistance for the development of a wider international cooperation through activities of specialised training on European policies and the dissemination of European values. One of the means to reach this objective is the organisation of highly specialised courses and seminars focused at the development of European projects. The courses focus on EU Policies and Legislation, International Relations and Project Management, promoting the possibility to participate in EU-funded programmes. IHF organises also study groups to Brussels for young graduates, local authorities representatives, SMEs, Universities, promoting mobility activities at different training levels. Since 2004 IHF organised more than 40 study visits to Brussels for more than 500 people. IHF took part as associate partner in previous EU funded projects, contributing mainly to disseminaton and exploitation activities. IHF provides further assistance through continuous monitoring of EU legislation and European Institution activities, and consequent spread of related information, assistance in the search for partners and building up of networks. Thanks to its presence in Brussels IHF asbl developed relevant experience in the organisation of dissemination and Valorisation activities at EU level, through contacts with MEPs, other European associations and Institutions, stakeholders, consumers groups etc.

Internet Web Solutions

Internet Web Solutions is a leading provider of information technology (IT) and engineering services based in Málaga. Its business plan has received the finalist award from the City of Madrid in the National Business Competition sponsored by IdeCesem Business School. Internet Web Solutions is specialized in domains like Professional Web Design, Web Development, Software Development, E-Commerce Solutions, E-learning projects and SEO strategies. It also provides online marketing solutions and quality translation services. Internet Web Solutions is providing high-tech, custom and quality web design, Outsourced Web Development and Software Development services with latest and emerging Web Technologies, in particular PHP, Java Script, AjAx and newest DHTML IT languages. Internet Web Solutions has a result-oriented team under one roof that comprises of Software/Web/Creative Designers, Developers, SEO Experts, Programmers, Software Developers and Marketing professionals. Our aim is to make IT technology much more accessible to general and specialized public.

Comenius University Bratislava

Comenius University Bratislava is the oldest and biggest university in Slovakia. It was established in 1919 and comprises of thirteen different faculties covering wide range of areas of human knowledge. Up till now, tens of thousands of students have finished the university with academic degrees, and it became truly a national university with noted international recognition. At present, it has approximately 23 000 students studying in various specializations and forms of study programs. As part of the oldest, largest, and most prestigious university in Slovakia, the Faculty of Management at Comenius University in Bratislava is the most recognized managerial and business school in the country. Also, it has been several times awarded by Eduniversal Agency as an “Excellent business school”. One of its key focuses is entrepreneurship research, entrepreneurial education, and consultancy activities for SMEs. The mission of the Faculty of Management is to produce high-class and competitive graduates who are able to work in teams or hold managerial posts in various organizations. The knowledge the faculty provides for its students is continuously growing and kept up to date thanks to its scientific research and development. Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship is the national coordinator for the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) project. The Department has established and operates the Consulting and Development Center for micro, small, and medium-sized companies. The Department also closely cooperates with Slovak Business Agency, Young Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia, and the University of the Third Age on various projects aimed at the development of entrepreneurial skills and management of microbusinesses. Department is also actively involved in Comenius University Science Park (CUSP). CUSP is primarily oriented on areas of molecular medicine, environmental medicine, and biotechnologies, but it provides space for entrepreneurial activities through its science-business incubator.

Universidade de Aveiro

The Universidade de Aveiro (UA), Portugal, is an active and cutting-edge academic institution widely recognized for its scientific achievements, innovative educational practices, and collaboration with society, contributing to more sustainable communities. UA has become one of the most dynamic and innovative universities in the country, considered one of the best universities of the Times Higher Education Young University Rankings for the world’s universities aged 50 years or under. UA has now around 13700 students distributed by 16 Academic Departments and 4 Polytechnic Schools which work together in an inter-disciplinary manner according to their academic and research affinities. Its organisation and matrix structure stimulates knowledge exchange and cross-contamination between fields, promoting a useful proximity between teaching and research. UA is a privileged partner for companies and other national and international organisations with which the University cooperates in numerous projects and for which it provides important services. In 2019, 628 research and technology transfer projects have been active in UA. From these, 134 had or have international collaborations, 40 funded by ERASMUS+ and 48 by Horizon 2020. Among these projects we should refer three ongoing ERC Grants and three more were approved for funding. The projects are developed under the 20 research centres hosted by UA which act in many different scientific areas. 95% of these research centres have been classified as Very Good or Excellent in the last evaluation process promoted by the Portuguese national funding agency, FCT.


EDUCatt is the non-profit foundation entrusted by Università Cattolica with the task of providing services related to the right to study in favour of students during their university career. Today EDUCatt offers its support on Università Cattolica campuses in Milan, Brescia, Piacenza-Cremona and Rome, through a series of interventions and actions designed to make the study path more accessible. Specifically, EDUCatt provides scholarships and financial support, food service, accommodation, books and it also has a healthcare centre, including psychological counseling. EDUCatt pays serious attention to the centrality of the person: the aim of the Foundation is not only to provide services to students, but also to guide them to their future in order to help them to create value with their work, competence and knowledge.