AIDA-Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Aveiro is a multisectoral public utility association, whose coverage area coincides with the district of Aveiro covering 19 municipalities. AIDA'S objectives are to represent its member enterprises with a view to strengthening their competitiveness while fostering. collaboration with similar
international and national associations on problems of common interest and promote the internationalization of companies AIDA works to encourage — entrepreneurship and — create opportunities for vocational: training, thereby contributing to the increase in employment and social inclusion. AIDA is also a training entity certified by DGERT in 14 training areas and is certified in the scope of Quality (EN NP ISO9001:2008), integrating the Enterprise Europe Network. It has been supporting companies in the region by offering a range of services such as: prospecting for foreign markets; business missions; participation in fairs and exhibitions; technical consultancy (in the areas of environment, quality, energy, licensing and incentive systems); legal support and vocational training.
AIDA CCI - Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Distrito de Aveiro