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Best Practice

Incubator - UACOOPERA

Incubators are organizations aiming to afford new firms a supportive environment in the initial stages of development, so that they can gather the necessary resources and capabilities for development and growth until reaching a viable stage.

UACOOPERA, within University of Aveiro supports business ideas from the initial stage to the creation phase of the company. At that time, if the entrepreneurs so wish, they can apply for the incubation program at UA Incubator. Following, we provide some examples of support and activities that entrepreneurs have enjoyed through UACOOPERA:

Activities in a university context, Training actions:

Entrepreneurship Laboratory to the startups FHLUD, KINDOLOGY and Cellularis Biomodels.


Business Idea Contests

Empreende + https://www.ua.pt/pt/noticias/16/75421?fbclid=IwAR3SiYJH36_XeXtDz3DQ1eS9D1rALtg8GBjGi0b_B4-n4JzdTipTb4mPojQ

Poliempreende  https://www.ua.pt/pt/noticias/16/75489

In addition, to the support mentioned above, all the companies identified also benefited from mentoring by UACOOPERA's technical team, as well as from the mentors who are part of the MentAll – mentall.ua.pt network.


The companies mentioned below are incubated and enjoying the following incubation program https://www.ua.pt/pt/incubator/programa_de_incubacao


Cellularis Biomodels  




Startups, entrepreneurs, incubation, mentoring