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Nuestros asociados


ARRABAL-AID is a social and non-profit organization. Our mission, FROM 1992, is to work for full employment and social integration of people, especially the most vulnerable, supporting them through measures and actions to impact on the social environment. We must take good care of all people and taking care of the quality we give in our services, making the person served leave our entity having satisfied their demand.

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The Asociación al Servicio de la Investigación y la Tecnologóa (ASIT) / Association for the Service of Research and Technology is a private non-profit association which designs and manages projects related to technology development and local levels since 1989. Since its foundation in 1989, ASIT has fostered the creation and development of numerous innovative business projects. ASIT has also directly managed funding programmes for technology infrastructure, business modernisation, etc.

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IT Solutions for All

IT Solutions For All is a non-profit NGO that seeks training in ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) for those people who lack the necessary knowledge to function comfortably in the technological world in which we find ourselves. Information and communication technologies (ICT) sometimes referred to as news information and communication technologies (NICT) are a concept closely associated with computing. If the latter is understood as the set of resources, procedures and techniques used in the processing, storage and transmission of the information, this definition has been nuanced by ICTs, since, it is not enough to speak of a computer when referring to information processing. The Internet can be a part of that processing which may be carried out in a distributed and remote manner.

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Providing the best work experiences, training courses, workshops and seminars for students and adults, Tribeka is dedicated to bring value into every aspect of training and learning mobility. As partner of schools from all over Europe it has become the best and most successful Spanish work experience provider agency in the education sector. With a professional and committed team, Tribeka ensures consistency and quality, delivering world class services in a professional outstanding standard. As part of ETN International, Tribeka shares and contributes towards a clear vision about the powerful magic behind learning and training in an international environment.

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Fondazione ENDISU – Ente per il diritto allo studio e i servizi agli studenti

ENDISU is the Italian Student Support Foundation and has the aim of providing services for undergraduates enrolled in partner Universities. This institution was founded in 2011 with the purpose of analysing, studying and supervising the socio-economical dynamics of Student Support in Italy in order to improve the quality of the services provided to students. Since 2015, the Foundation has been very active in the field of digitalization and student recognition at a European level, cooperating in several projects funded by the EU Commission, such as the MyAcademic ID, ESC-tension, ESC-tension 2, EDSSI, and EDSSI 2.

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ACRU - Associazione italiana dei Collegi e delle Residenze Universitarie

ACRU is an association gathering Italian Colleges and University Residences. Colleges and residences of this network wish to be considered as environments where students can grow from a civil and a cultural point of view, where intercultural and interreligious communication is possible and students are truly welcomed and accompanied throughout their academic path, also encouraging experiences abroad. The association, sharing Christian values and educational projects, promotes cooperation with the competent Ministry, the Conference of the Rectors of the Italian University (CRUI), Regions, Universities and Research Institutions.

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ACIB – Associação Comercial e Industrial da Bairrada

The ACIB established in May 1993, is a non-profit Business Association. In July 2008, the approval of its Public Utility Statute was published. It has around 650 members, distributed across the commercial, industrial, and service sectors, encompassing all the municipalities of the Bairrada Region. Its mission is to develop activities and partnerships aimed at supporting, defending, and enhancing its members, as well as promoting and disseminating the business potential of the Bairrada Region.

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AEA - Associação Empresarial de Águeda (Business Association of Águeda)

The Águeda Business Association (AEA) is a non-profit and public utility employer association. With a multisectoral scope and headquartered in Águeda, AEA aims to represent the interests of companies in the region, as well as providing services and support, solving problems and improving the business environment for its associates, in addition to representing them before different entities. The services provided range from legal advice and labor law, tax and economic and financial, environmental consultancy, instruction in industrial and commercial licensing processes, organization of professional training courses and recruitment, among others. We have a team of permanent and advanced staff, highly professional and trained, always available to meet your needs, providing services with great quality, rigor and competence, defending and representing the interests of our associated companies and entrepreneurs in general. We help companies to create an improved and sustainable business environment and to combine business strategies with the goal of increase results, thus contributing to the modernization of the business fabric.

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AEVA – Associação para a Educação e Valorização da Região de Aveiro

AEVA is a non profit organization and was founded in 1998. Its mission is to meet the needs of local businesses in tackling skills mismatch by bringing closer education and the labour market. AEVA is an association of competences with what we call 13 “satellites”, such as a VET school, an international Department, a regional online TV Channel, an adult education centre, etc. The VET school - Escola Profissional de Aveiro is one of the largest Vocational School in Portugal. AEVA has an integrated Management System implemented according to NP EN 150 9001:2008 (since 30 March 2009), International Social Responsibility Certification SA: 8000 (since 16 July 2013) and EQAVET Compliance Seal of the Quality Assurance System in Education and Professional Training (since 7th February 2020). In addition, is one of the Eco-School recognised by the European Blue Flag Association (ABAE), has also the Intercultural School Seal distinguished by the Ministry of Education and Science Education and the High Commission for Migration, and received the Good Practices Seal of Health Psychology and Educational Success from the Portuguese Order of Psychologists. AEVA-EPA is a VET charter organization and an ESC accredited association (coordination, hosting, sending), been awarded the Quality Label 2021-27.

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AIDA CCI - Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Distrito de Aveiro

AIDA-Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Aveiro is a multisectoral public utility association, whose coverage area coincides with the district of Aveiro covering 19 municipalities. AIDA'S objectives are to represent its member enterprises with a view to strengthening their competitiveness while fostering. collaboration with similar international and national associations on problems of common interest and promote the internationalization of companies AIDA works to encourage — entrepreneurship and — create opportunities for vocational: training, thereby contributing to the increase in employment and social inclusion. AIDA is also a training entity certified by DGERT in 14 training areas and is certified in the scope of Quality (EN NP ISO9001:2008), integrating the Enterprise Europe Network. It has been supporting companies in the region by offering a range of services such as: prospecting for foreign markets; business missions; participation in fairs and exhibitions; technical consultancy (in the areas of environment, quality, energy, licensing and incentive systems); legal support and vocational training.

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